Land Grant Universities w/Dr. Jay Akridge, Purdue University – Part #2 (#13)

This is Part #2 of our conversation with Dr. Jay Akridge, Purdue University, talking about the Land Grant university’s role in today’s fast-pace ag industry and its still-vital role in research and education.
Land Grant Universities w/Dr. Jay Akridge, Purdue University, Part #1 (#12)

Where does the Land Grant University fit in today's fast moving ag tech industry? Our guest for this episode is Dr. Jay Akridge, former Dean of the College of Agriculture and former Provost of Purdue University. Currently, Jay is back on the faculty in Agricultural Economics at Purdue We had the opportunity to talk with […]
EIQ – What is it and its affect on agriculture

Our culture is inundated with acronyms. It has become a norm for agriculture as well. The latest acronym that we're now seeing is EIQ (Environmental Impact Quotient). In this episode, Doug and Dave discuss EIQ and how it intersects with ESG (Environmental, Social Governance) and how we will run our operations in the future. Join […]
Used Equipment and Its Technology w/ Guest Alan Hoskins – Episode #11 – Vision Tech Perspectives

We continue our conversation with Alan Hoskins. However, we change the subject to a sideline of Alan's. Used farm equipment. That used to be a fairly simple topic. Evaluate what you need. Find options, whether at your local dealership or another farmer who is ready to sell. Make sure that the piece of equipment is […]
Should You Question Your Banker w Special Guest Alan Hoskins

Historically, there are aspects of business, even outside of agriculture, that we have tended not to question. We find someone we like to work with and then we continue to do business with them. Without question. Without checking with other vendors to make sure we are getting what we need. One of those, outside of […]
Lab-Raised Meat – Episode #8

We've seen the commercials about “impossible burgers,” “beyond meat” and plant-based burgers. These are products that are using plant-based products to replicate the texture, the look and the taste of a beef hamburger. When we talk about “Lab-Raised Meat,” we are not talking about a plant-based product. We will be talking about meat raised from […]
What do these mean? ESG, Carbon, Methane and Lab Meat

You're in a conversation and, at some point, you realize that you're not really talking about the same things. Yes, you are using the same terms, but you realize that your definitions of those terms are different. Now there's confusion. That's really where we are, and have been in ag technology. Even when I was […]
How Do You Filter the Noise of Ag Technology – Urgent vs. Important

With all of the technology in the market and so much new technology being released every day, how to you discern between the Urgent vs. the Important? We talk about the noise of the industry and looking at what is Urgent vs. Important on your operation. Not your neighbor's or competitor's operation. Not the industry […]
What Should We Expect from Our Technology Tools?

We have an expectation in anything we do. Whether in our personal or professional life. How do you manage the expectations for the technology on your operation? Too many times we have “Unknown,” “Unrealistic” expectations for some of the technology we buy and then become very disappointed with the product or service and blame the […]
Wants vs. Needs – How to Strategize Your Ag Technology Payback

We all want to look at the new, shiny widgets and toys. That's what's cool. We all talk about something that we see and say “I need that for my operation.” But do we really need it…or do we just want it? Wanting something for the operation is fine, if we know that it is […]